Beauty Empowers!


THIS IS THE COMPANY that puts mascara on lashes and food on the tables. That fights wrinkles with one hand and Breast Cancer with the other. That knows the value of a perfect lip. Avon opens its mouth and speaks out against Domestic Violence. Fights for women’s financial independence.

This is the company that not only brings beauty to doors, but also opens them. The company that supports more than 6 million Representatives in over 100 countries. This is Avon. The company that for more than 125 years has stood for beauty, innovation, and optimism. And above all for women.


In 1973 Justine was born with the launch of iconic Tissue Oil; formulated with a combination of efficacious natural oils to deliver superior skincare results. The success of this formula became the blueprint for Justine to expand its product line into products, the combination of science and nature to meet your uniquely South African needs.

Our gold standard beauty care solutions are the perfect blend of science and nature and clinically proven to deliver results for our climate and suited to our diversity. We are Justine.

We #stand4her

Whether its through Our Earnings Opportunity or through our Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, we always #stand4her

We stand for the freedom to earn and learn on your own terms and in your own way. With flexibility over your schedule and business goals.

We are proud to be in the business of beauty with our network of micro-entrepreneurs.

Be your own Beauty Boss.  Sign up for success and start your own Beauty Business.

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